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Treatability Studies
Technology Evaluation

Provided an evaluation of a novel wastewater treatment technology to assist a venture capital firm with due diligence prior to investment. The performance and economics of the technology were benchmarked against the traditional application in the sector. Ultimately, an investment was made.

Technical Assessment

Provided a manufacturer with information regarding their technology and why it may be difficult to have it accepted in the marketplace including benchmarks against other competing technologies. Working together, we developed a testing plan to establish if design alterations can improve performance and economic viability.

Product Development

Working with a multi-company team and a leading university to develop a new technology for prevention of Legionella growth in cooling towers and building water systems.

Innovation and Business Case Development

Working with an equipment manufacturer to develop a system to optimize chemical dosing in water treatment plants, to determine potential US market size, and develop a market penetration strategy.

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Jar Testing and Coagulant Dose Optimization

Evaluated a range of conventional and alternative primary coagulants and coagulant aid polymers to allow New Jersey American Water's Oak Glen Water Treatment Plant to achieve optimal performance over a range of source water qualities.

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Technical Advisory Panel

Serving as a member of the technical advisory panel for Stony Brook University's Center for Clean Water Technology to evaluate pilot testing of Advanced Oxidation Processes for destruction of 1,4-Dioxane on Long Island

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Research and Development Planning

Providing technical services to several manufacturers, assisting them in development and execution of the research and product development plans with emphasis on identifying a product-market fit

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